Friday, December 17, 2010

Home Again

If you read my Facebook, you've probably heard me bitching about my doommates. If not, here's the short version.:
We moved in with our current roommates in February last year, and not two months into our cohabitation things started going downhill. It has gotten progressively worse as the year has gone by, but I'm not going to go into detail about that.
Last Tuesday, due to the fear that the stress in the house may have cause Tony's medical emergency, I made an executive decision. Tony, Bella and I are never going into that house again without a friend with us. Period. No exceptions.
I called my friend Paul and went to the house and gathered a car full of our things. I managed to get most of the things that we need for the time being, but ... to say the least it didn't go well, but we are no longer living there, and that's a good thing.

As grateful as I am to my in-laws for taking in my family (again) during our time of financial and emotional turmoil, I can't believe that I'm here again. I thought, hoped that we would have grown up by now. I mean we're adults right? We haven't lived alone since just before we were married. I think it's high time that we do, but until then Casa Del Swingley is home.

There's so many unknowns, bills that need paying with money that we don't have. Plans that need making, but have to wait until Tony's job gets finalized. We don't know what caused all of Tony's pain, and we won't until we've got the money to have insurance. I'm tired of just waiting for... everything. I can't make any plans for the future, and it's beyond frustrating. I guess I'm just tired. I should be sleeping anyway.

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